I would just like to point out that that's a Much music video awards wristband im wearing. oh yeah.

This is 1 pic of about 700 that I took of Our Lady Peace. I was OBSESSED WITH THIS BAND. and David Usher and The Tea Party. I'm in an OLP vid. ooo talk to my publicist. hahahaha! but for reals... one night I went to Metalworks in the Saug and the tea party were recording some shit with Todd Kerns..and they had a mound of cocaine in the waiting room. hi i was 18. and i hadn't even gotten drunk yet. I was wearing a Radiohead Kid A shirt that I made myself and that cockface jeff (lead singer) told me radiohead was a shitty band. I left shortly after that. It's true though the Tea Party are like HUGE now. way better then radiohead.

I realize i look like a fat hippie in this pic, but that skirt was from urban outfitters and it was prob 60 bucks. AND i was on my way to have dinner at the marche/movenpick/richtree whatever the fuck it's called now.

oh byron wong from the new music. we followed his band "my brilliant beast" after he left MM, and then he hooked me up with some dude from the Agency Group where I began my band booking co-op...I lasted a year in that biz, and then was "over it" when i went to college. hahahahahaah jeeeez i love how full of myself i was.

uh grade 7 and yes im wearing big thick socks with my teva's. check out that hair. and those bangs. my mom reminded me tonight that I used to blow dry those suckers into place with a round brush and a hairdryer. IN GRADE 7.