you've probably guessed it already. STILL NO INTERNET AT HOME. we're (i) are surprisingly getting by! maybe it's cause I have a blackberry which has facebook access and email access and maps access! and the fact that I have to read every paper everyday for the jobby job, i know whats going on in the city in my morning subway ride everyday! scary i know. i may actually not need the internet. blogging however has sadly gone on the back burner for far too long. i think i've even lost my regular readers. (insert crying smily face here)I'm sorry friends, things have been a little ca-razy lately.
our evenings have consisted of: (feel free to stop reading here, boredom will ensue) going to the gym, driving to jogee's parents for groceries, going to montreal for a much needed family visit, playing PS3 (actually i just watch because jogee is a hog and only buys 1 player games), working way too late, eating sushi around the corner, and going to bed by midnight without an ounce of liqour in my tummy. pounds lost to date: 0. could be because I've been eating smart food and ice cream and oreos and poutines for the past 2 weeks.
oh i forgot about this...