Then we went to Erin's for her birthday party! She had the greatest skirt top outfit on ever! ever! plan was to hit up the social afterwards but jogee and i were responsible and called it a night at around 11...for reals. we did! I only subjected myself to half a dubay and jogee only had half a glass of some shit rose wine the shmoltz had.

and this girl had a bird in her hair. i was pretty much in love with this whole idea and will most likely copy it, even if it was completely by accident and someone shoved it in her hair and she couldnt get it out cause the talllllons were stuck.

yeah im not having a good time...

oh we are so cute!

and then he fell off this chair after playing "kick start my heart" for me. he was like the computer dj for 20 minutes and played everything i wanted to hear. sooo good.

and then joe left me with the camera a little bit stoned (bad move) there were probably 60 more of just my face that i had to delete 20 minutes ago... and if you look real close you can see how hairy my armpits are at this very moment! hahahaahahaahahahaaha oh man. priceless. wax. tomorrow. tear.