this chick was the biggest bitch/im too cool for you door person ever.ever! hel-lo you're taking my ticket to an owen show for fuck sakes. get over yourself.

im funny. pretty much only to erin. at the elmo. on a thursday. ok nevermind im also funny many other times. I really really can't wait to tell you all about Courtney's wedding and how jealous I am of it and how unbelievably babelicious she is and how much she makes me laugh.

erin and i have devised a plan and it is going to be monumental and legendary and overthetop and better then any other idea we have come up with in the past. if we get our shit together I might tell you about it. (erin, i am emailing you the texts i texted myself later)

didn't know the director yet

still don't really know the director


in love

reaction to the guys that were in love with us all night but didnt even make a move to talk to us.

good/suicidal stamp
also....i met an old friends new gf tonight and she is perfect for him and i can't think of anyone better right now then her for him. and she's hot. and smart. and cool. yessssss. looooove it. I will keep her picture secret for the time being, she is incredily recognizable. in toronto atleast.
qatalyst: we're coming tomorrow (friday) be over your hangover. for 8ish. going to dan's first. getting art done. coming with dessert.
jogee just yelled at me for typing. gotta go!
bathroom photo's brought to you by raymi.