and nerdsonsite fixed our computer for 5 hours last night. ok im exagerrating, it was only 4 hours and like 57 minutes. yeah i know. what the hell was wrong with it? or what the hell was that guy doing in our room that long? shit. he's probably reading this. hi nerdonsite! you were awesome and thank you for giving me my life back!
anyways. you guys didnt miss much. we went to wonderland. it kinda blew. you have to be on acid or something to enjoy that place these days.
oh but we did make veggie chickpea burgers. here is our totally made up recipe.
chick peas - mash the shit out of them
add green onion and parsley and bread crumbs (or crushed expired stale vegetable thins, cause thats what we did) and an egg white to hold it all together and throw it in pan and fry that shit up yo!

and then throw some portobello mushroom caps in the oven with some olive oil and cook em for like 10 mins or something, and then throw them in the fry pan after you take out those patties and fry em up a bit...

then throw some sliced tomatoes into the fry pan and then build that mutha. and squish some cranberry goat cheese (or any kind of goat cheese) on top on it all and BAM!

you have a siiiiiick dinner and its healthy and its full of flavour and its friggin cheap (if you buy everything in china town)