I had a lovely time at Make your exit last night. it's always such a good buzz to seee your name on a guest list even if it's with 300 other names. hahaha! ha! despite them going on a little later then expected and me getting all excited about what visuals they might have for my dopey eyes...(no visuals, siiiiigh) they packed the shoe again (jeez where do they get all these friends?) and rocked it. I think i may have even sang along to songs. woo!

Hey! are they old enough to be in the bar? how cute!

ugh. it's so nice out and im soooo tired and unmotivated to do anything remotely physical. aaaaaaaand considering i just had the $6 all you can eat chinese buffet from that market thing on Queen, it's safe to say im not going anywhere for a good 3 hours... and rock of love isn't even on tonight. crap. is that show even still going on? I've missed the past 4 episodes probably. oh bret i miss you!
last night was siiiick, as per usual. paid for it this morning though... however i did make it through the day thank god for those smoothie's at starbucks now.

why doesn't anyone ever move up at these shows, we tried but it just wasn't happening. that black and white checkered floor must be the culprit.

yay! nicole is actively wearing my white jellies that she scored at the clothing swap!

so you know just another night at the horseshoe. K bailed half way through, but it's ok i forgive her, cause i completely forgot to bring all her clothes to work with me today... sorry K! when do you want to pick em up??
oh and THANK YOU FOR THE EP MIKE! you are such a doll, the 1:30am thank you texts are always a welcome wake up when im still thoroughly smashed. ;) love love!