i would like to announce that as of about a month ago i have to wear bras with about 90% of my clothing. i was never a bra person, pretty much ever. i literally had 4 bra's that have been sitting in my dresser drawers for a good 8 years that would come out on special occasions or days when i had meetings at work but generally my teets were always so perfectly perky that a bra really did nothing for me. and guess what?! those suckers are losing there gusto. and im finding that i actually look better in a bra. i know can you believe it?
i did get away with it on the weekend though. at the final wedding of the year that we rsvp'd to. if you have been counting... i think that's 8. don't worry i plan on doing an entire post on which bride i thought was the prettiest, which had the best food, which had the best venue, which had the best bridesmaids dresses, which had the best ceremony/reception set up, etc... oh won't that be a good one!
anyways back to the braless wonder on the weekend...

it has been broughten.

and check out jogee's before and after...

perfectly put together.
and after

spot the difference?
also best winter coat award goes to caitlin. ohmygawd iloveit

oh the bride! the bride!