I think the dark cloud may be lifting...
the shopping is complete. ahhhh heeeelll yeeaaah, so now it's just straight loungin. I felt like the holidays would be a huge buzz kill if i didn't attempt to bake
something so i got down with some rocky road and peanut butter cookies this morning. Personally I think they both taste like shit. too much flour, not enough butter, couldn't find measuring spoons.. whatevs, I'll just bring them to your parties (whoever you are) and the stoners will be all over that scene.

last night i ignored the whole don't drink while you're on antibiotics thing and downed a pint and a glass of sweet heavenly red wine with Cait and Mike. ate 'sauced up' chicken fingers at jack astors - don't ever order those they taste like crap and the farts that are accumulated from those things are just unacceptable. swung by my work, talked advertising, picked up a christmaspresentbottleofwine and dropped in at
this guys joint. Totally dope house party complete with hip hop, wayne gretzky, star wars, comedians, and crackers! Caitlin and Mike kept the laughs at an all time high, we met some new peeps, probably offended a few peeps, touched each others boobs and then called it a night.
I'm still coughing, but the phlegm isn't yellow anymore so i think i'll be in prime condish for new years.