First Book Club meeting was fabulous. the girls were rad, the food was DELICIOUS, the wine was never ending and the book was meh. in my opinion anyways. but i also only read half of it. so slow and boring. but after hearing about the ending - i might actually read the rest of it.
we had technology happening at an all time high and skyped one of the members in. solid.
what do you even do at a book club meeting? obvi talk about the book. we had a pretty laid back structure of it all - but basically we went around the room and people gave their opinions about the book - what they liked, didnt like, were confused by, thought wasn't needed, thought was unlikely, thought was well written, thoughts. Then we had a question sheet as back up when the conversation started to go off topic. once we had all dished/bitched about everything book related we ate and drank and gabbed our faces off. SO GOOD. i can't wait to pick a book and host one of the nights! stoked! I'm an adult!
sorry - duh, the name of the book might be pertinent in this post.
the girl with the dragon tattoo by stieg larsson. can't say i'll be rushing out to get the next in the series.

The next book we're reading is... is... shit. i can't remember. I'll get back to you guys on this.
totally down with the book club though. I was a reading maniac before i realized what beer and fashion and boys were. I missed it. glad im back on board. i don't even want to think about all the amazing books i've missed after all these years. there were some attempts last summer. I think i borrowed 10 books from 10 different people and then read half of all of them and gave up over and over cause they just were doing it for me. Raym's - i read your post. i have your book safe and sound. i'll give it to you next time you're in my hood. :)
now i just need a craft club. i really really want a craft club. who's in? 1 night a month. someone brings a craft and teaches us all how to do it and then we do it and then you give it to someone you love. shit i still need to make 3 things for Hilary, Krista and Hayley. am i missing anyone?
that's it im sending out the fb event right now. craft club REPRESENT.