hi! I haven't felt like blogging all day. I don't even feel like it right now. but we need to waste some time until we go to Machine Girl for overthetopfest. yay! this artist guy Julian and his gf are meeting us there. Julian is drawing joe's sleeve tattoo. I hope he brings it. I cannot wait to see it. like literally i can't wait. his gf is incredibly cute and hilarious and a guaranteed good time, so i hope im not all tired and cranky by the time we get there. We had some dinner at Mini market with raymi, fil and britt. they have great food, and then we walked a little up college to find some dessert and then bumped into eric and he let us check out crispin glover. we only lasted about 20 mins watching his movie/narration on stage thing. it was hella weird and i didnt get it AT ALL so we continued on for some cake. mmm cake. i got an eclair. it was gross and dry and had a cappucino which was also crappy. and then i started feeling really uncomfortable in the outfit i was wearing so i made jogee walk home with me so i could change. and voila here i am! i think that place we ate cake at had the word wheat in the name, just so you know not to go there. OH and the guy from the bicycles walked in and i was like hey that's the guy from the bicycles. cause i see that guy all over toronto and NEVER remember what band he's in and now i remember, and this really has no point but this time i walked right up to him and was like hey are you in the bicycles? and he was yeah and i was all i see you ALL THE TIME and i never remember what band you're in but now i know so hi. you are like famous. hahahaahhaahaha check out there myspace. i'll link it later. they are a very cute band.
the jack and jill we hit up last night was a total gong show and i had an incredibly good time! check it. i was on fire last night.

oh yeah and then after i danced for about 25 minutes with jogee's mom at like 12:30am, we decided to hit the cock and pheasant in streetsville. HOLY THUG SAUSAGE PARTY. and then we went to Caitlins (thanks for letting us sleep over!) and i killed it on the bike for 15 solid mins. sexy. was asleep by 3:30am. that is good in our books. woke up in the most fart smelling stuffy room ever. ever! and then made jogee come with me to the Orchard family restaurant on Hurontario (so great. SO GREAT) where he couldnt even swallow 3 bites of his food cause he was hung so bad. i count that as 2 times now where im actually feeling better then him the next morning. cause basically that never happens. ever. i am always the hurt sack the next morning. sigh. ok i think we can go now... i'll have to peel jogee off the couch from oblivion again. i think we may have to have a sit down discussion about his gaming. haha JOKING. im on the internet far more then he's on the couch gaming. i mean im out being popular and busy and drinking beers with my 600000000000 friends.
1 comment:
blah after gibson last nite i couldnt drink or anything and was up til after three with nausea BUT GUESS WHO GOT A FREE PAIR OF GREY HI-TOP CHUCKS!?
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