but i think jogee is fully asleep and won't yell at me for typing steps away from his ears... so WE'RE IN THE CLEAR!
I don't know why i've been so delinquent lately. maybe cause im fully enjoying every second of the summer of alicia, i forgot this blog exists? damn im even forgetting my camera when i go out lately. appalling.
I have to admit I have a full blown crush on star wars. ever since that god damn lego game i have completely lost my mind over this shit. so the other night (i say other cause i honestly dont know what day it is lately)jogee and i rocked the second star wars. i even noticed it would be better in blue ray which means im obviously turning into some kind of tech nerd. omg that means more blog readers! but for reals i was fully into it, until i realized chloe was on her way over and the entire apt smelled like garbage and dinner and farts and red wine... so i made jogee stop it 10 mins to the end to do a quick clean up which was not welcomed but was successfully done... and im completely going off track here... so yes chloe, she arrived and we ripped it to the riv to catch make your exit (you guys know them right? i have linked them in the past. i hope you went!) and we met up with maryjane and then well walked into a completely crowded back room riv and loved every second of it. loved. every. second. of. it. i dont know why but they def give me a feeling of apostle of hustle kinda vibe maybe shit i dont know. perhaps i should myspace both bands right now and compare again? meh. i have not so good pics but its something.

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