
shopping bonanza

I figured out how to christmas shop without losing your fucking mind. You go out for a steak dinner that is either attached to the mall or in it and order atleast 3-4 beers or girlie drinks so your stomach doesnt explode and then hide your credit cards somewhere in your bag, so you don't go completely mental. and then you let the people wisk you away through sweaty line ups and fart smelling small areas and you buy things without thinking twice...and you're done! or half done. oh and take cabs. screw walking, it just adds unneeded stress. if you're lucky like us the crazy cabbie will be on his phone the whole time he's driving you and then give you a $20 and $10 for you're $10 you just gave him. $20 richer. amazing.
oh yeah! and then we saw joe's sister and her friend, and her friend... get ready readers!!! drum roll... gave me my first compliment on my boots. made. my. day. :) I should take her out for a drink.

I bought jogee a PS3, yeah i know best gf ever, so he was trading in all his old shit. i did not join him in those escapades, we did the meet in an hour thing. I'll let him go into his whole big trading experience tomorrow, cause he's sleeping already. BIG SURPRISE.


krista zee said...

woah woah WOAH.
You mean to say no one complimented your boots in the weekend night out?
Those puppies should be in a museum.
I love them.

Raymi Lauren said...

rad boots

Raymi Lauren said...
