
nxne is in the air....

hi friends,

so after a long day of tanning and body pump and sunglasses buying and sushi jogee shopping spree, we put on some new threads and went to the nxne opening party gala thing idontknowwhatitwasfuckingcalled at Palais Royale (guest list only suckers!). That place is swanky. rad gigantor patio. my only beef was it was cash bar (and you had to get tickets first, irritating) and it was cash food! (other then the little nibblies in between)and the live entertainment was lacking. I was hoping for some band with waify hot singers or something. meh i still had a great time and watching raymi dance was an added benefit.

oh hi canadian idol winner ryan malcolm. is that his name?

get ready for the boner that is my tanned boyfriend. OMG give me your phone number. oh wait i live with you. RIGHT ON.


Raymi Lauren said...

i pulled a brad

Raymi Lauren said...

oh man i look so ugly

Anonymous said...

boourns who hosts parties where you have to pay for things anymore?

Raymi Lauren said...

oh they do that so they can keep track of the monies i think also they dont trust the help maybe?

Anonymous said...

I did my first body attack yesterday, and I hurt today. We should do those classes together. Although I might die laughing if you are with me.

P.S. Joe, I am jealous of your tan. Sexy.

Highwaisted said...

erin! i did body pump 2 days ago and i cant walk. im serious. its incredibly painful. btw where are you?! i need my partner in crime back. holy lame saying!