
we moveded

haha this picture may have one believe that i broke up with jogee and moved in with jim-bob . oooo maybe i should go with that? it would make this blog a hell of alot more interesting wouldn't it?!

woo! we are almost almost done. just a coupla mo boxes to unpack yo! it is just perfect. we are 4 happy little pigs in a blanket under one roof. now come and visit me so i can give you a tour of the super 70's esque bathroom, the exposed brick (oooo)in our bedroom, our stainless steel appliances, bean's closets and our 4 internet stations. we need more art for the walls. so bring some with you when you come k. radical.

woh beans has a way better post then this on our move. :) love you beans!

1 comment:

beans said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i love you too!!!