Sorry i was recuperating all day Sunday and i still don't have any pics yet. I decided to leave the camera in my purse and not take it out all night in fear of my night being dictated by it, so i let the
photogs do their thing and of course my mom took 7000 pictures but hasn't managed to post them anywhere yet... so the suspense continues. thank you for your text messages my dear friends. I promise I'll have something up soon...
here's some jot notes to get you excited!
- makeup situation
- muffler falls off car on the gardiner
- fainting
- being nauseous
- lobster risotto, tiramisu, tenderloin, halibut, little tiny salads
- nintendo ds
- sickest wedding band EVER
- love connections
- after party
- sleeping in till 2pm the next day
oh the stories i have brewing!
i did find this lovely pic my cousin tagged me in...

your dress is effing gorgeous! you pretty little thing
oh v sweet dress jeez
I have that same dress.
omg guys! wait till you see full length pics!
oh you look great! and right on, you went for the single earring! glad you had a great time! I've got plans tomorrow night, so I dont think a dog date will be possible. Ima call you though
You wore ONE earing?
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