The wings at dee's are extraordinary. up there with the best in the city. they make duffs wings look like tofu.

dee's is a dangerous place for getting very very smashed. the drinks are so cheap you dont even think twice about ordering another one. and im back on the vodka soda wagon, so those babies were going down like water. no bloatage! everyone wins.

im pretty sure Shannon and Kgirl were right behind me cause i managed to get them in on that photoshoot in the bathroom.

there it is! the ipod!

I was surprised everyone lasted as long as they did.

such a great night! and if I didnt bump into the guys from the boom i would have been in bed sleeping by 11. i should start partying at 6 more often.

saturday was a rough one. but fresh air, alphaghetti, and having a car to cruise around in saved me. brap! brap!
glad to hear about this wings tip i have always felt dubious about mexican resto servin' wings.
the finest! company AND wings that is.
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