I need to pump it up a notch in the beauty department. I'm getting ridiculously lazy. maybe it's cause I just went through all our pics from the summer and I was tanned and blond and waxed and firm. well not firm. but firmer... and then I look at all these winter pics and im pasty and tired and in need of a dye job and hairy. Maybe I have a small case of SAD right now? well I booked a hair appointment, jogee and i are back on the workout circuit (american gladiators tonight is giving me some motivation. HA or just making me livid cause it's so lame, too many 10 second interviews and 5 billion commercials, the wolf is cool though) and we're moving into our new place soon, so no more living out of a laundry basket and having totally wacked out sleeping patterns. see I'm cute most of the time. holy what time of the month is it?
you're cute all the time. douche.
fer sure you are cute!
(plus I have to be "bikini ready" in 2 months, for a trip to the Domincan.... I am far from "bikini ready")
I love the red glasses!
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