im totally out of material these days kids... so i'll have to resort to just photos. well hold on... maybe a little synopsis. drove to port elgin AGAIN. i really hope that drive feels shorter the more i do it. back to paradise again... beautiful perfect spot, hot tub, outdoor shower, our own room with bunkbeds!!!!, horror movies, fireworks, tubing, hold on for your effing life boat rides, UFC (really good when you're stoned), hammocks, a pug, box head, and wickedly good company...

Port Elgin, really?
Not Kincardine?
which horror movies!? i am all tapped for material too, once you go away you come back to the city and are like ugh, this again, i have to make this interesting, again, and more of it, EVERYDAY?
at least i have my period to look forward to.
wow port elgin party! sigh sigh sigh. sigh chantry island!
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