let the wedding day begin...

make up appointment gets all facked up and our schedule is all blown off which makes us miss the go train and have to drive...

get in the car...car starts making horrible noise...sparks start flying behind it, smoke starts billowing and we decide to pull over. on the gardiner. with cars passing us at 130km/hr. incredibly dangerous. there's no shoulder to pull over on so we just stop in the right hand lane and i start panicing. we have 30 minutes to get to the wedding and it's exactly 30 minutes away in good traffic. i get out of the car (incredibly good and bad idea) look underneath and my muffler is on the road. perfect. i lose my fucking mind. start crying. call my parents. call 911. and what happens?! an angel in a friggin CAA truck pulls up in front of us. can you believe this? he gets out, asks us if we need some help and im like "YOU NEED TO DRIVE US TO MY BROTHER'S WEDDING! HE'S GETTING MARRIED IN 30 MINUTES!" So he's all cool and a cucumber and says get in the truck, ill get your car hoisted up and get you there. we get in. he gets in. and we drive. and he says " I have some jazz music to play, just listen to my voice and listen to the music and you'll be fine, everything's going to be fine." oh i need to find that man and give him a case of beer or something. seriously.

so we arrive at the wedding at the valet, in a tow truck with my car on the back, with 5 minutes to spare. I KNOW!
ceremony was gorgeous, i lost my shit during the vows and was crying outloud like the embarrassing wimpering you cant even breathe crying. perfect.

then we went and did photos...
then we sat down for dinner...
then the fainting nauseousness set in...
apparently my adrenaline levels were completely out of wack (not to mention im a fainter. i know, jogee didnt know either!) and so jogee had to take me to one of the bedrooms (the wedding was at Mariska's parents house) and feed me water and lie me down.
i made it back to the table to have some food and eat dessert and watch the speeches, so nothing was missed. :) except me and my speech and apparently the MC was never notified that i would even be saying anything so as he's saying " this is the last speech of the night" my stomach hits the floor, my table looks at me in complete awkward i cant believe they forgot you disbelief and jogee pokes me and says just go up there. so i did. and no one else noticed. i think.

and then i started feeling better and then i started drinking and then we danced to the best wedding band I've seen EVER. and then we went to an after party at one of my brother's friends parents houses who had all of this incredible original art all over their walls and then we took a cab home at 5 in the morning.

and im not gonna lie, that night goes up there with one of the best nights of my life. minus the car situation obviously.
k maybe this wasn't so long after all.
oh and i don't have any dancing band photos yet. probably won't have em for a few weeks... never took the ol camera out all night!
Did you have a hot flash? My mother in law gets them all the time.
Wow, you guys arrived in style.
I love it.
i was going to ask how many times did you cry, the worst is seeing the groom cry then everyone loses it
and i am even crying right now i am that much of a loser BLOGS MAKE ME CRY
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