its my mom's birthday this week. everyone wish her a happy birthday in my comments!
i took her on a magical adventure all day on Sunday. It could not have been more perfect. do you think if i set up my tiny apartment with cute little tables and fancy table clothes and bought a bunch of old time tea pots and kz made pin wheels sandwiches and i had cats roaming around you would pay like $10 for me to serve you tea all afternoon? cause i would pay for that. i might need to invest in a $10,000 chandelier though, and be able to make scones on the spot. and make people feel like they're royalty. maybe i should up it to $25, cause in reality its a bit more then that and probably not feasible for the average person EVERY weekend. i digress. (i think that's the first time i have actually written "i digress" on my blog)
They serve the scones with cream and greaves jam. my mom loves greaves jam. and i love the cream. actually i would like to bathe in that cream and lick it off of my self. woo your welcome for the mental image. i also enjoyed how the waitress lady offered hot water on a regular, so you didn't feel like you needed to hurry. very very chill atmosphere. they had 2 very different rooms that joined. both had a unique feel about them. i would probably request the purple velvet room next time to toss it up.
love you mom, i hope you have a great actual birthday day. i hope you get a kitten!
Everything looks so cute there!
I am such a huge fan of bed & breakfasts.
1. Happy Birthday Highwaisted's Mom :)
2. Wow... lovely party.
3. I hope you get a kitten too.
happy birthday! crustless sandwiches are the perfect way to celebrate!
I hope u get a kitten too
happy birthday!
i would be game for some fancy tea party as long as champagne was involved.
did you get yer new camera? these are really good shots ps.
oh wait yer mom took them?
Where is this place?
From your brother.
windsor arms hotel in yorkville broskee
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