
ooooo high park oooooo i just realized we took the crappy way back to our car and missed the zoo animals. no tossing sticks on the bison's heads for us! whatever happened to corduroy
was filming a vid in the park and mr makeyourexit invited us by to say hellooooooo. we only made it to see the final cut. due to mostly a) my car making a very bad noise b) not being able to find any GD parking(we had to park on lakeshore), and c) my amazing sense of direction. finally i swallowed my pride and let jogee lead the way, which i hate to give this to a man right now but was the right way. 100%. from what we saw it looks like a very swell vid. they had the perfect weather and outdoor acoustics are always the sickest and hel-lo it's fall!


MDellios said...

hey wheenus, the band is 'whatever happened to corduroy'


vid to come soon.

steph said...

ohhh looks fun!!

Chlo said...

What I really want to know is, what ever happened to magic carpets?

Wazz said...

Great shots. I love this time of year.