
friday night was a rockin good time. i took my first sip of booze after 5 days of nothing. im getting really good at this. new years here i come 20 pnds lighter! woo! we ate dinner with adam and clare and then hit up broszkowski's (spelling?) birthday party with raymi and fil, but i think we only lasted about 45 mins there and then we were back at our little apartment eating red charcoal pizza, and playing PS3 olympics and almost burning the apartment to the ground. it's true, i was all into these little candles ever since jogee surprised me with a candlelit house last week, so i lit em up and then when i was changing the cd (i know a cd! weird!) i put my pizza napkin down onto the flames and then bam! all of our wedding invitations were on fire and no one noticed until i heard raymi go FIRE! uh fire! there's a fire! hahaha it was funny for about 3 seconds and then for about 10 minutes after but during it was very very very NOT funny. i felt like an elementary school fire department lesson. anyways i started blowing on everything and then jogee came over and covered the table in water. all good, just half the invitations are semi burnt. lovely night though, i was in prime positive partying mood. :)


Raymi Lauren said...

email me more pics prease

krista zee said...


beans said...

you are just the cutest little thing, god i love u!

Highwaisted said...

hayley! did you answer my email?