
so nuit blanche 08 was pretty much one of the best nights ever, we were recuperating all day yesterday so you'll have to wait till i get home from work for a full blown post. i did manage to upload photos and facebook them... so if your lucky enough to be on my elite facebook friend list you've already seen everything. woo! i definitely came to the conclusion that i need a new camera. in comparison to everyone elses nuit blanche pics mine were probably the worst. the one's above are lennon's. siiiiiiiiiiigh. and jogee was supposed to come home with a new camera from some golf tourny he went to all day Saturday but alas our luck came into play and he came home with clearasil and a dad jacket instead. ok i have a conference call... more later!!!


steph said...

AHAHAHA clearasil and a dad jacket!!!

beans said...