i have been in a birthday haze for the past few days... turns out teppanyaki is the most radical dining experience ever. i highly recommend it. and if you live in toronto, go to Yamato. waaaaaaay better then Benihana's (so i've heard) and totally affordable and the service was excellent. i was a very happy girl. and i didnt even let the fact that like 15 people cancelled within 48 hours before dinner. kinda worked out in my favor though because the tables were all perfectly filled with all my favorite peoples. :)
i was hungover enough for atleast 5 small people yesterday. also enough to keep me away from drinking for a good 2 weeks. totally worth it though. also totally worth making out with jogee hardcore in the bar on a stool in front of everyone. oh man. ohhhhhhh man. we still got it!
your arm in the top photo perfectly lines up with your banner!
you're right fact! cooooool!
nice 'do!
I'm digging that necklace! Happy birthday!
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