
Thankful to Raym's I read vivalemerde pretty much everyday. She manages to make me feel completely at ease with what my life can sometimes be. this post is a good buzz and so are many others... highly recommended....

comments are nice.


Chlo said...

hey Im responding to your comment on E's blog- waxing then period. sooo bad. My first vag wax was right before my period too and AFTERWARDS I find out that is the most painful time to get it done. yay! probably going to a beauty school didn't help either. Actually I know for sure that it didn't.

rizabeff said...

I had my bush waxed on the thursday before we got married and then on friday BAM blood everywhere and I was like WAIT WAIT WAIT

thankfully we both feel the same way about period sex, so it wasn't really that big an issue. I was just a little saddened I couldn't properly show off what forty dollars can get you, or rather, what forty dollars can take away!

and ps thanks for saying such nice things about me! I wish N and I looked as much alike as you and jogee!

Highwaisted said...

40 dollars!! im getting ripped off.

Highwaisted said...

beauty school chlo! are you mental?!

Chlo said...

it was an Aveda salon! those amazing scents apparently make me lose all logic!