
KC and the Sunshine band were great company yet again last night and introduced me to more things annex. :) We killed it at Kilgours again and of course K had to pump it up a notch and buy us shots and beers. silly girl! I recommend the hummus and flatbread there. its 5.95 and filled me enough to be dinner worthy. and it was garlicrific. Paul appeared out of nowhere again...I hope thats his name. im horrible with names but i think im right with that one...i admitted to having pictures of myself with his band when i was 16 or 17 and that he may possibly be in them. I promise I'll dig up those pictures soon and scan them. they are fully worth it. then pool at las iguanas where im sure krista and i would have won if we weren't half cut already. I got a lot of walking in too, cause apparently cabs are allergic to me and dont exist on the streets i walk in toronto lately... but i made it to meet up with an incredibly intoxicated jogee, who i threw in a cab after a few paid for (by his sweet company) double rum and cokes, where he doesnt remember me making him sign the cab chit (sp?)and putting him to bed... I forgot my camera through all of this. so no pics for you suckas!

1 comment:

Raymi Lauren said...

jeez it seems like you have three nite's worth of activities in one nite you are an animal