has it been 3 weeks of no drinking yet? cause i think i might bite it tonight. I'm craving sangria in every possible way

did i mention i went completely mental at H&M yesterday and spent an extraordinarily large sum of money? well not like i just bought $500 boots money but relatively close to that. you guys can all play spot the new outfits in the next few posts! I really really really wanted these highwaisted leggings that had big pockets on them but of course they didnt have my size because every single hot babe of a girl in toronto is my size. instead i bought... get ready for it... regular pants, not wide leg or skinny leg but just regular. I don't even know how I'm going to deal. I have had denim wrapped around my ankles for months now. basically I'll just have to buy siiiiick heels

imagine going to a house party in those things and you have to take them on and off to go for a dubay? killer! i mean shitty!
I taught his niece at my school. It's freaky how much the family looks the same
Those heels are hot.
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