trend i cannot handle. these half on knitted toque things. when jogee and i went to that moist beaver lauch party thing we spotted atleast 10 overly hipstered out hipster dudes rocking these things. forever ruined it for me. and why the hell are people still rocking those damn scarves around their necks?
The scarf thing looks kinda cool but because everybody has one I will never have one. Oh, and the half on togue.
yeah like what are you a friggin' artist where's your easel you stupid dick!? you look like a sweater is trying to grow out of your skull.
uh oh i just noticed kay-z has one in her blog profile pic, damage control!
whats a togue anon? ha ha... not funny ha.
speaking of scarves, how about the ones that are basically just a thickish shoelace. ESPECIALLY worn by men ("men"), they look completely fairyish and retarded. I hates.
I like the scarf accompanied by fake old cowboy hat, oversized sunglasses, cowboy boots and fake faded jeans. I know a guy that wears that all the time. It's horrible.
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