then we hit up dee's for Jay Spectre . I know I may be biased cause I am in love with Jimmer in a whole bunch of non sexual best friend brother kinda ways, but he is such a great musician and dude and friend and and and and well you should go to their show at the silver dollar on thursday night because they are great. except i think there aren't any horns that night, so it may be a bit of a different show. regardless. they are great, and i think they will get a full blown record deal in Japan after last night's performance.

i don't know how i got that red dot on the side of my nose. but i've had it for a while, like 15 years. maybe its a broken blood vessel? skin cancer? whatever it is, it makes me cringe every frigging time.
-Ronnie's is summertime fun.
-I think the alleged red dot on your nose is one of those things that is only visible to the person who claims to have it. oh and sometimes the person that wakes up 8 inches from your face every morning. hi there Jogee.
Dood! I had the same spot (well, not the SAME spot). Mine was a vein. I went to some specialist and they jabbed it with a needle and, voila, gone.
dood man i cant see a rred dot, but next time lemme show you mine.
-its on my check, and its getting more prominent every year.
(has it since grade school)
sober nite for this/these guy(s) (even tho fil had two pints at lunch!!!) last nite, it was bitchy.
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