the list includes selling these shoes:

I wore them once, on a date with jogee to some fancy restaurant. they are WAY too small for me. They're a size 6, and im a 6 1/2. and whenever i wear heels my feet get swollen to a bigger size... so anyways they are brand new. I bought them at Aldo for $80.00 and I'm willing to part with them for $30.00 (a steal!) plus they are perfect for summer, hel-lo yellow!
these shoes are amazing. i am in love with them in a big way and wish i still lived in the city so i could come and buy them from you right this very second.
crap. come back to the city! everyone i know has size 7 feet or bigger!
omg why are your feet so delicate! are you secretly four feet tall!
believe you me, coming back to the city is number 1 on my priority list!!
also i have the feet of a 9 year old so anytime your shoes are a little snug, feel free to send them my way.
yeah. 7s here.
you could put bananas in them and make some new kitchen art.
damn it. to ebay i go i guess then... this better not take me 8 years to figure out.
rza: im 5'4!
lauren, if i dont sell em i'll keep them in a special place for you
Ok speaking of selling things you bought that are TOO SMALL, I bought these Roxy Shorts in Cali and for some stupid reason when I got them home they are wayyyy too tight on my but :( So Alicia (or friends) if you like them buy them, I havent wore them (not even once, tag still on) and they are super cute .... link here
I believe they are size .... um can't remember but you'd fit in them. They cost me $40 so I'd say $20 or BO! p.s. Love the yellow shoes, but I'm a size 8 monster feet compared to you lot.
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