we finally went through all of our cd's and put them on spindles, and threw out the shitty art and jackets from the plastic cd holder things and kept the good art...made a good pile, a selling pile, and a garbage pile. Took the selling pile to the buy or sell place on Baldwin, made 20 bucks for like 5 cd's. Pretty decent if you sell your cd's often and know what Sonic Boom will give you... then went to Sonic Boom with the rest and made 42 bucks for like 40 cd's. bullshit, considering all of jogee's were scratchless and bought within the past couple months, but we were sick of lugging those cd's around when everything's on the computer anyways. I think we'll just buy off itunes or whatever from now on. ANYWAYS it did clean up this little storage area quite nicely. Sorry i didnt take a before shot.

jeeeeez I'm listening to Dr. Phil in the background and I'm feeling pretty good about my life right now. some people are waaaaaay more messed up then me.
dood we gotta hang soon
ps i would ... those shoes, but my 8 1/2 wont budge.
i have a no oprah rule like i have to be doing something with my life at 4 o'clock or out tanning or SOMETHING otherwise i feel really bad about my life.
oh really? i hate oprah but i like her shows. sigh.
krista! you need to be on text alert at all times or we will never hang again!
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