yay for a sunny weekend! we're going to an all day drop in drop out bbq tomorrow. I might have to go vintage shopping in kensington to find soemthing perfect to wear. Actually I think that's exactly what I'm going to do. after I change the sheets and do the dishes and clean the bathroom (see jogee im being productive and homely!)

Jogee is incredibly sick right now, runny nose, sweating in bed, coughing. He stayed home yesterday and didnt move for like 12 hours. I thought he was going to start to get bed sores. but he seems to be a little better today..and now I'm going to disinfect the entire house.

Does anyone want my old Nylon's ? They're just collecting dust and I'm sick of having crap all over my house, so I'm giving them away or donating them to my gym. Actually I kinda wanna donate them to the gym more then anything cause then I can watch who reads them and feel good that I provided them with fashion tips during their excrutiating time on the eliptical. 1 step at a time friends, 1 step at a time.

and did i mention my hate on for my new haircut in the morning? its one of those styles where you HAVE to wet your hair or wash it cause its all over the map after sleeping. I usually wash my hair every 2 or 3 days but with this whole undercut action it's gotta be done every frigging day.
holy randomness.
Erin got a new job and i met her for a pint the other day. she was dressed up extra babe like and had those crazy louboutin shoes on.

and I rocked some home karaoke with hayley and her buddies!

yes! i broke out the knitting!
this blog should be called toronto playdates 7 nites a week
yesssssssssss!! we totally turned a night of knitting into a full fledged shit show - i am so proud of us :)
and james wanted me to let him knit a line on your scarf ppffffft! ya - ok!
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