also we just got in the return of the jedi part in star wars lego. EWOK LAND!!!!
this trailer doesnt show the ewoks i dont think. oh actually at about 4 minutes it does. BEST PART EVER.
jimmer is lactose intolerant and he decided to drink 2 full glasses of chocolate milk and now he is having the best most loud funniest farts ever. they weren't smelling for the first little while but now i am in a room full of stink. i think my camera battery is dead...otherwise i would take some video of it. not jimmer farting, us playing star wars lego. if you ever want to get your girlfriend into video games i recommend getting her to watch all of the star wars movies and then buying lego stars on PS3. i fell for it, maybe she will too. I just asked joe what all the movies are called and he said they dont have a name... i said the sixology? what is it? i know it has a name. also i love being the wookie and ripping people's arms off. sooo funny!
uh oh... looks like i might have to buy some lego star wars toys.
what a baaaaaaabe
man it'd be so fun to be lactose intolerant purely so I could have horrible gas on command
maybe the body froze to death re: no blood/guts.
The only problem with Star Wars Lego is that when you move you have to make a special trip or else it'll fall apart. Unless you want to put it together again.
Maybe the killer rained the body of all of it blood and made a smoothie. I went to lego land and spent more than I make on a day on lego star wars magnets and pens.
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