
as good as the worst movie you've ever seen

This lucky guy was the recipient of my other TIFF ticket for the movie below:

I lol'd once or twice, but overall this was thoroughly brutes. If it makes it out to theatres don't be fooled by it's vampire rock n roll tons of famous people cameo appearance allure. i probably wouldn't even recommend it on video. They did however have the director and a few of the actors there for a Q&A after which is always pretty dope. The main chick in the movie was wearing a dress that fully exposed her teets. awesome! kinda makes the whole TIFF thing come to life (the Q&A not the teets). And i was happy to POP a TIFF virgins cherry. Jogee did the same to me 2 years ago and now im fully addicted to it. We have one more movie lined up for next weekend which might top the charts, so ill keep you posted. Did you guys see any TIFF movies? Did any of them blow your mind??

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